You can access the individual licensing portal by clicking this link.
The evaluation fee for new patients at Sun Valley Health is $125. This includes a consultation with one of our physicians and a pain exam if needed. We handle the entire process for you, including correctly uploading your application to the state. Please note that the state requires a separate fee at the time of submission.
Arizona requires a $150 application fee for a new or renewing qualifying patient. Patients in SNAP are eligible for a discount and are required to pay only $75.
Qualifying patients participating in the SNAP program will need to provide a copy of an eligibility notice or electronic benefits transfer card that demonstrates their enrolled status. Please provide one of the following for a discount off the state application fee:
We accept all major credit and debit cards.
No. Insurance companies do not cover the certification process at this time.
The Arizona Department of Health Services will issue your registry identification card within 5 business days at the most after applications have been submitted. Renewal patients, will have access to their new ID after their current one expires.
No, we are just the doctors that evaluate your condition for certification of the card.
Once you are approved as a qualifying patient, you can obtain medical marijuana from a dispensary, a qualifying designated caregiver, another qualifying patient, or, if you authorized to cultivate, from home cultivation. When you are issued a card, the Arizona Department of Health will send you an approval email and will provide a list of all operating dispensaries you can use.
In November of 2010, voters passed the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act under Proposition 203. It called for the Arizona Department of Health Services to create a medical marijuana program within 120 days from the election results. To read the full statutes govering the Arizona Medical Marijuana Program, visit the Arizona Department of Health Services website for very helpful information.
No one. Arizona supports a database that can only look up 20 digit patient ID numbers and is HIPPA protected. Law enforcement and employeers cannot type in your name and find out if you have a card.
According to Section 36-2813:
No school or landlord may refuse to enroll or lease to and may not otherwise penalize a person solely for his status as a cardholder, unless failing to do so would cause the school or landlord to lose a monetary or licensing related benefit under federal law or regulations.”
Unless a failure to do so would cause an employer to lose a monetary or licensing related benefit under federal law or regulations, an employer may not discriminate against a person in hiring, termination or imposing any term or condition of employment or otherwise penalize a person based upon either:
Yes, if you have a written certification from an Arizona physician, you can obtain a registry identificion card.
Yes. You must prove Arizona residency by providing a Arizona driver’s license, an Arizona identification card, an Arizona registry identification card, or a photograph page from your passport. Additionally, your physican certification form must be completed by an Arizona licensed physician. If you meet those guidelines, you can hold an Arizona medical marijuana card as well as from another state.
Visit the ADHS Medical Marijuana Program website. Enter your card number and name and you will be able to update your information.